Nowdays, everybody encounters blue light in daily activies. Fluorescent lighting, electronic screens (photos, computers, TVs, etc. ), and the sun
emit damaging high-energy blue light.
he lenses are suitable for myopic and non-myopic people!
Hev Blue High Protective Design:
Based on the principle of bionic absorption technology, blue light can absorb more than 90% of the high-energy blue light which is
harmful to human body by reflecting part of the absorption through the lens.
High-definition Raw Materials:
With improved monomers as the main raw material and other resins as the supplement, the Abbe number of the whole lens has
obvious advantages, and the clarity of the lens is greatly enhanced while preventing blue light.
Ultaviolet Protection:
Special substrate treatment, adding anti-blue paricle, absorbs the high-energy blue light which in the body in 380nm-500nm band,
so as to protect the eyes from injury. Effective prevention of cataract and magular lesions.
Special conductive film:
The effective condutive treatment of the coating can nake its resistance less than 400nm and form a strong current conductive layer,
which greatly enhances the electromagnetic radiation effect of the lens, and has a good blocking effect on the computer radiation,
alleviating the sympotoms of dry eyes when using the computer.
About New Vision